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25 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Reading & Writing Part 7 - KEY - A2
Short Story - tips Task overview In Part 7 you have to write a story. You look at three pictures and describe the story you see in them....
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16 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Writing a Short Story B1
Writing part 2: Strategy (story) Read the question below. What must you write? What is the title? Where must you write your answer?...
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27 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 4 min
How to write an essay of 140-200 words
Writing your Essay Plan your essay Read the essay question carefully and plan what you want to include in four or five clear paragraphs....
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4 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Cycling C1-C2
LISTENING FOR KEY INFORMATION - LISTENING BOOSTER How well do you think these adjectives describe the sport of cycling? Compare your...
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3 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Farming C1-C2
LISTENING FOR KEY INFORMATION - Listening Booster WARM-UP Work in small groups to discuss the following questions about farming. Make...
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3 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Explorers C1-C2
Listening for key information Warm-up Think of the names of some famous explorers. What were they most famous for discovering? If you...
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3 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Listening Part 3 - An introduction - C1-C2
LISTENING FOR KEY INFORMATION Introduction to Listening part 3 The focus The focus of Listening Part 3 at Expert and Mastery level is to...
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31 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Listening Part 2 - Guided Test
Listening to dialogues Tips from the examiners Note! The Practice Test recording will say ‘ you will hear each of the short conversations...
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31 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Feelings C1-C2
Listening Booster Look at the drawings. Match the emotions to the people. embarrassed furious surprised bored anxious Think of the...
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29 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Attitudes and opinions C1-C2
Listening to dialogues Look at the following statements and say whether you agree or disagree with them. Then judge how strongly you feel...
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28 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Context, relationships and gist - C1-C2
Look at the pictures. With your partner, discuss who the people are, where they are and what they may be talking about. Who? Where? What?...
4 visualizzazioni0 commenti
28 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Listening Part 2 - An introduction - C1-C2
Listening to dialogues INTRODUCTION TO LISTENING PART 2 TASK The focus of Listening Part 2 at the C1-C2 level is to listen to...
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28 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Listening Part 1 - An introduction - C1-C2
Listening to respond INTRODUCTION TO LISTENING PART 1 Understanding context, meaning and function of a range of utterances TASK Listen...
26 visualizzazioni0 commenti
27 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Listening Part 1 C1-C2 - Guided Test
LISTENING TO RESPOND Tips from the examiners Before you listen Read the four possible answers carefully and try to imagine what the...
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27 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Express yourself C1-C2
We express many different things in conversations. It will help you to prepare to answer the questions in Listening Part 1 if you think...
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27 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Formal or informal? C1-C2
Degrees of formality In Listening Part 1 of the International ESOL test, you will also be tested on your ability to recognise differing...
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27 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Idioms - ‘Can I give you a hand?’ C1-C2
Exam Practice Idiomatic language expresses ideas and feelings in a metaphorical rather than a literal way. Idiomatic expressions can...
6 visualizzazioni0 commenti
27 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Phrasal Verbs - 'Work it out!' - Listening Booster C1-C2
Phrasal Verbs ‘fall out’, ‘break into’ and ‘run out of’. There are more than 3,000 combinations of verbs with adverbs and prepositions...
16 visualizzazioni0 commenti
19 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Stress Matters - Listening Part 1 - C1-C2
Listening booster Stress matters! Look at the list of functions. Do you know how to express them? Agreeing Disagreeing Persuading...
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